Video Games and Me
This is an article written by the guy who brought us The Gamers Manifesto about his views on the state of the video game world. Full article here. Warning: Strong language.
I tend to agree with his views. I've owned a console and games I've bought with my own money since I was 12. However, Over the past year my video game library has dwindled from 10 or so titles to 2: Guitar Hero 3 on the PS2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 on the PC. I have no time with life and family and now I've just signed on to write for a local newspaper (yay!). I also have lost interest with the act of playing video games in general. Guitar Hero 3 is fun because I can rock out and Roller Coaster Tycoon appeals to my creativity and lifelong love for amusement parks. Even then, I get maybe 2-6 hours a week to play.
Other reasons I'm not nearly as into video games:
1. DND. Now that I have kids who can read and add in their heads and focus, when we want to play a game, we play DND.
2. Board Games. When we're not playing DND, but still want to play games, we play board games. There are some really fun ones kids can play.
3. Newfound hatred and impatience toward technology. No matter how careful I am with DVD players, consoles, computers, cameras, etc., they still wear out or break. Not so with books and board/roleplaying games.
4. The pressure of the console wars. I'm not interested in a Nintendo vs. Sony vs. XBOX argument like I used to be. I really don't care. However, I have to hear it from people when I'm at my FLGS or from coworkers or family and it's very off-putting.
5. I now find video game experiences fleeting. And I'm 33. Since my kids have started playing video games, I've thought about my own future with video games. I have a hard time picturing myself 20 years from now playing a lot of video games and feeling good about it. On top of that, after finishing Zelda: Twilight Princess, one of the greatest games ever, IMO, I turned off the console and felt nothing. Not even a desire to play it again. Movies I enjoy move me even after turning them off and multiple viewings bring the enjoyment back to full. Heck, even my negative feelings for Heroes one week after the finale are stronger than anything I felt for Twilight Princess five seconds later.
6. Lastly, the gaming world has, to a degree, parted ways with me. I have no interest in handheld because when I game I want the big TV, big sound system, and full immersion. I don't want my video gaming to be something I do in 10-20 minute spurts while I'm on a crowded train all on a 3 inch screen. I lack the funds to buy a current gen system nor do I have interest in any of the current games out there even if I did. I agree with the sentiments of David Wong concerning the Wii. When my mom--who has never picked up a video game in her life and has spent her life since I was seven tormenting me over my love for video games--now raves about the Wii, I know it's not long before I'm done with video games--and video games are done with me--forever.
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